
for life,to find God's guidance,to change for good

Help men and women stay out of incarceration – for good.
for life
Help men and women stay out of incarceration – for good.

70×7 Life Recovery

We offer instruction, guidance and employment opportunities to men and women released from incarceration. Why? Because we are all children of God. When we help those who have been incarcerated, we help families and we strengthen the community as a whole. We show the love of Jesus Christ.

70×7 Life Recovery

We offer instruction, guidance and employment opportunities to men and women released from incarceration. Why? Because we are all children of God. When we help those who have been incarcerated, we help families and we strengthen the community as a whole. We show the love of Jesus Christ.
Over 96% of 70×7 graduates experience long-term success
Recidivism is the rate at which a previously incarcerated individual will return to prison within 3 years of being released. These are the current recidivism rates:






70x7 Life Recovery






70x7 Life Recovery

Why the difference? Because being physically freed does not free you from old ways of thinking, old relationships, and old decision-making processes. 70×7 Life Recovery helps with that.
Freed to love and be loved
There are over 2.3 million inmates in the U.S. prison system. Nearly half of them are parents. 70×7 walks alongside families while loved ones are incarcerated, and helps families prepare for when loved ones return.
Freed to love and be loved
There are over 2.3 million inmates in the U.S. prison system. Nearly half of them are parents. 70×7 walks alongside families while loved ones are incarcerated, and helps families prepare for when loved ones return.
Freed to work
Brandi never had a “real” job. Now she’s a Customer Care Specialist, living a new restored life.
Freed to work
Brandi never had a “real” job. Now she’s a Customer Care Specialist, living a new restored life.

2024 Fall Fundraiser

We were so happy to have you at our Fall Fundraiser, FREED to Restore. Missed the event? Watch the recording by clicking below.
Upcoming Events

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!”

2 Corinthians 5:17

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!”

Matthew 25:40

Out of incarceration
into a life of purpose
Out of incarceration
into a life of purpose